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International exhibition of artisans 'Taraz - the city of artisans' is being held in Taraz

A grandiose event of the fall of 2022 is planned: the Department of Tourism of the Akimat of Zhambyl region from October 1 to 4 in the city of Taraz on the square of the historical and ethnocultural complex "KÓ©ne Taraz" the International exhibition of artisans "Taraz - the city of artisans" is being held.

Given that the city is on a busy stretch of the Great Silk Road, has a rich history, many historical monuments, a picturesque landscape, without exaggeration we can say that the history of Taraz is of world importance. To date, Taraz is the only city in the Republic of Kazakhstan that will be included in the list of World Cities of Artisans, which makes it possible to expand its international exchanges, actively cooperate with other cities represented in the worldwide network of artisan cities to create a common platform for artisans around the world. The program of the International Exhibition of Artisans "Taraz - City of Artisans" is extensive and diverse. In a solemn atmosphere, a meeting with the regional akim and the signing of memoranda of cooperation will be held. The international exhibition of artisans "Taraz - the city of artisans" will be visited by special guests - the Expert Commission of the World Council of Crafts represented by the President, Vice President and expert.
A fair for the sale of souvenirs will be held, where residents and guests of the city will be able to please and surprise the unique products of artisans not only of the Zhambyl region, but also artisans from near and far abroad: Brazil, the Netherlands, India, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Russia, Tatarstan. In total, over 200 artisans will take part in the International Exhibition.
The revival of ancient traditions of folk trade can give a powerful economic, educational, social, cultural, demographic effect. Popularization of folk crafts, their recognition, including in the environment of international partnership, contributes to active participation in regional and international exhibition projects and exhibitions, holding folk holidays, forums, conferences and much more.
Throughout all four days, guests will be able to enjoy a concert program, theatrical performances, information tours in the city of Taraz.
In order to revive and develop folk art crafts and crafts characteristic of the region, the development of the craft market and domestic tourist souvenirs, a round table will be held at the International Exhibition of Artisans on the topic: "Modern trends in the revival and popularization of cultural heritage, and stimulating the development of artisan business in Taraz," a press conference for the media will be held.
In modern conditions, the craft is enriched with new knowledge, materials and technologies, as well as new talents. In this regard, in the first days of the International Exhibition of Artisans, a children's drawing competition "Taraz-City of Artisans" will be held, and on the third day of the event the winners will be announced and awarded. In parallel with the children's drawing competition, a competition of young artisans "Ancient Taraz" will be held, where the winners are also announced and awarded.
Craft is one of the most ancient forms of human production activity, which can be defined as small-scale manual production based on the use of hand tools and the personal skill of an employee, allowing the production of high-quality, often highly artistic products.
Therefore, the development of craftsmanship is one of the ways to solve the problem of employment. Taking into account the above, to exchange experience and knowledge, artisans of the Zhambyl region will hold master classes on craft art.
Holiday X will be decorated - the anniversary season of ASPARA FASHION WEEK under the motto "DIALOGUE OF CULTURES," which, like the previous one, will continue to glorify ancient Taraz, the revival of national spirit, patriotism, dignity and honor.
The event is aimed at the development of tourism in the region, the creation of an information and communication platform for the exchange of experience and the organization of interaction between all regional, Republican and International organizations in the field of craft. The International Exhibition of Artisans is dedicated to the revival and development of the ancient traditions of folk art crafts and crafts, as well as for the prosperity of souvenir production.

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